Okay, I admit it, I am a real sucker for skincare gadgets - so I had to buy this facial massager! Is looks like it could be the perfect quickie facial treatment? It is the size of a razor and is quite gentle on my skin - just makes it slightly red which does make me think that my circulation is being reved up a few notches! It is quite pleasant to use and I reckon might make my winter complexion a bit perkier. I am using it a night and putting a few drops of Pure Lochside Revitalising Face Treatment Oil on afterwards. Reckon it could also be useful for crimping the edges of pastry too!
So I gave him the shaving soap to try. Then came the difficult bit. Getting a response. The conversation went like this.
‘How are you getting on with the new shaving soap? Is it what you’re looking for in a wet shaving system?’
‘What is important to me,’ he replied, ‘is not to look too much like my father while using the shaving mirror.Though he was a handsome man, it’s just that….’
‘Stop’, I shouted, ‘what are you talking about?’
Apparently, a lot of men have childhood memories of watching their father earnestly lathering his chin. Then, years later, in front of the mirror, they realise they’re making the same gestures and grimaces as they scratch off that last reluctant whisker. Let’s face it, lads – there is no escaping the genes.
I asked him again to think about what was important for shaving, from his point of view. That set him off reminiscing again.
‘A really sharp blade. I can remember as a child, that scary packet of two-edged razor blades lay at the heart of my father’s – never-to-be-touched - shaving kit. Oh, the other thing you’ve got to remember is to hold your elbow constantly higher than the wrist, so as to avoid lathery water running up your arm. I don’t know why it took me years to get into this habit…..’
‘But what about the shaving soap?’ (What was wrong with him today? His head was clearly elsewhere.)
‘The soap? Oh, yes,what you want is to finish the shave with your skin feeling, well, just smooth really – but not with that tight, dried out and irritated feeling you get with some of those off-the-shelf gels. I like your Shetland Shaving Soap a lot.
It’s got a ‘clovey’ kind of scent. Reminds me of Christmas. And it’s the colour of butterscotch. (The other stuff I used to use was a sort of weird blue….) Best of all, you can swizzle up a lather in its container-thingie and afterwards you don’t seem to need moisturising or soothing lotions. So it saves time as well. Yes, I’m a convert.
Honestly. I wish he’d just said that in the first place!
Just taken delivery of my latest order of whisky soaps - wow, what a fantastic smell of malt whisky (or whiskey if you are North American!) - this works so well in these soaps - a really blokey product - but a really gentle and natural glycerine soap too - and one of my best sellers! The angel's share is now floating about NaturalBeautyScotland.com's workroom!
Organic Arnica Body Treatment Balm to be won by 2 lucky winners (worth £37 each!)
Organic Arnica Body Treatment Balm with organic black pepper, peppermint and orange. A rich, therapeutic blend designed to ease aching muscles and joints with the analgesic properties of organic arnica, high altitude lavender and Scottish Highland Pine. Enriched with Vitamin E, organic shea butter, cocoa butter and beeswax – it melts easily into the skin to provide long-lasting moisture. Created on the west coast of Scotland.
All you have to do is :
1.Correctly answer these 4 questions - (clue – the answers are in my website!)
Name one of the organisations that uses Mozzy Off?
What is Scotland’s version of tea tree oil called?
If you look at old photos you'll notice that everyone wore a hat. Certainly you never see a late 19th century photo without seeing people wearing a hat or a cap. Social change after WW2 maybe led to less hat wearing - after all, your hat symbolised your social class - but after the last war, society changed and the influence of USA and cinema surely affected the fashion for going hatless too?
Here is my grandmother Flora Macdonald wearing a beautiful hat - she is sitting on a west Highland beach - at Arisaig, where she grew up. I guess this is early 1920s.
But in hot sunshine a hat is ideal - my husband wears a Tilly Hat in all weathers. It keeps the rain away from his glasses too! Tilley Hats have been certified to block 98 percent of harmful UVA/UVB radiation and deliver an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of 50+, the maximum rating given.
Suncream, sunglasses, suitable clothes, stay out of midday sun - these are all sensible measures - but remember your hat - protect your skin, delay skin ageing - and be stylish all at the same time!
And if you do need to soothe your skin if it gets a little too much exposure - try Shetland Rescue Cream . This gentle soothing, antiseptic and healing formula contains a complex blend of 31 emollients and can help treat a variety of skin problems such as sun and windburn, cracked or chapped skin, insect bites, minor cuts, burns, rashes or eczema. The word is spreading about the effectiveness of this powerful yet natural cream. Perfect to take away on holiday. Can be used on the face and body.
Right now it’s May and it’s bog myrtle weather. Yes, it’s raining again. As you probably worked out from its name, bog myrtle (Myrica gale) likes it wet and it grows in great swathes on the spongy, peaty soils of the north and west.
It’s such a common yet fairly low profile plant in Highland Scotland that you hardly notice it in its shrubby twiggy winter state.
Lots of bog myrtle here – the brownish colour in the foreground. Photographed at the top of Glen Ogle, near Killin. (Pic 1)
In late spring it coves itself in little reddish catkins. Cleverly, these appear ahead of the leaves, to allow unimpeded pollination by wind. (Pic 2)
In Scotland, there has been a bit of a flurry of interest in it in recent times, and it sometimes gets called ‘Scotland’s tea tree oil’ because of its healing and soothing properties. It’s especially associated with caring for sensitive skins and is also said to help with acne.
(Pic 3, below right: near Enard Bay, north of Ullapool, last June)
Traditionally, it’s also used for keeping midges away. However, the chances are that if you are in a place where bog myrtle thrives, then you are probably deep into midge territory as well, given their preference for wet places. Continuing the Highland theme, it’s also the plant badge of the Clan Campbell. (As that’s my family name, I feel duty bound to point this out.)
Finally, it also happens to have a great scent – the very essence of those summer holidays in the Highlands. More on bog myrtle products here.
I was delighted to have been included in The Scotsman Magazine Best Buys section last Saturday. Just a wee reminder to all customers - Until the end of May, you will get a free soap bar (worth £3) with every order – choose from seaweed and aloe vera or lavender oats and honey. While stocks last. Plus, new customers can also get 10% off, just type in the code "NBSnew10%" at the online checkout - offer valid until 31 May.
Maybe some products somehow become imbued with the ambience of the place in which they are made. On the other hand, maybe that’s a bit fanciful.
Yet if a ‘balm’ was going to be made anywhere, then it seems right that the word, with its soothing and peaceful overtones, should be associated with this sheltered part of Moray, east of Inverness in the north of Scotland.
Benets Balm is made atPluscarden Abbey. We took these pictures on a bright but cool May morning, from the protecting wooded hills that lie to the north of it. There are miles of walks and trails here, all within easy reach of Elgin. The original abbey was founded as long ago as 1230 and the buildings were damaged by the English king Edward during his invasion of Scotland in 1303. So it wasn’t always so peaceful - as the place was also burned by the renegade Alexander Stewart (aka the Wolf of Badenoch) in 1390.
In common with other monasteries in Scotland, it fell into disuse after the Reformation. However, it was re-activated by Benedictines (from Prinknash in Gloucestershire, England) in 1948 and restoration work got under way. It’s now an active religious community and a centre for spiritual retreat. And, if you visit on a sunny day when the spring flowers are out, you’ll hear not just the peaceful, sleepy song of willow warblers and chiffchaffs but also the continuous hum of bees – a reminder of the beeswax basis for Benets Balm.
Now it's April and the days are getting a bit warmer - in a while the insects will start to emerge - in Scotland we have the midge (Culicoides impunctatus) - tiny but it leaves a nasty itchy bite. Worse on the west coast of Scotland, especially near rivers and lochs - not that a midge would ever put me off visiting these amazing locations!
Gilbert and I went to Knoydart a while ago - http://www.road-to-the-isles.org.uk/knoydart.html - known as the last great wilderness of Scotland. You can only get there by walking or mailboat - even though it is part of the Scottish mainland. It has fantastic mountains, seascapes and an excellent pub with the freshest seafood plus dolphins in the bay - and, of course, midges! - so we went prepared! These midge hoods are effective but not so handy when trying to eat langoustines or drink a glass of Scottish beer - but now we have discovered Mozzy Off! - all natural and 86% effective in clinical trials - used by Trossachs Mountain Rescue even! http://www.naturalbeautyscotland.com/department/midges_beware_/
Have you got one of these? (this is my terrier Millie). If so I highly recommend the Red Dog Flea Soap I retail - specially designed for dogs - gentle but effective and no nasty chemicals. Thyme and tea tree will drive away nasty bugs!
A few years ago I hurt my achillies tendons - so I thought I'd do something useful while I rested my legs each day and knit Gilbert a jumper. Judging by the result, I am glad I decided to open naturalbeautyscotland.com!
We now stock a great range of products from the Scottish skincare company Pure Lochside. This is luxury skin care that's organic, natural, therapeutic and ethical. I have been sampling the Organic Arnica Body Treatment Balm with Scottish Highland Pine and Vitamin E. It has a fantastic rich texture that melts with the heat of your hand and smoothes in brilliantly - the smell is delicious- sort of a mint/pine combo. It is £42 - but a little goes a long way and the quality of the product is amazing! My legs are emerging from winter!
This is my grandmother, Hilda Elizabeth Campbell (1910-2008). She always used good quality skincare and along with my grandfather was interested in nutrition and supplements as an aid to good health. One of my earliest memories is the lovely lemon soap she always had in her bathroom. Natural Beauty Scotland is opened in honour of Nana, my elegant grandmother!